Hi everyone, I have a count matrix from feature counts and of course, couple of peak (.bed) files. I want to visualize the peaks all together to show the coverage and overall comparing. I was going to use plotprofiles and plotheatmap of computeMatrix tool of deeptools, but it needs its own made countmatrix, which chaines to using other tools of deeptools including binning the genome with bamcoverage and stuff. For some reason, I'm unable to use computematrix tool of Deeptools, it gives me lots of errors. I think, I'm not quite sure how should be files. I have coordinates of peaks, should I annotate them first? But even if I use annotated version, it again stops. Besides, it never accepts my .bw file that I already have made with Bamcoverage from bam files of the same replicate that I called the peaks and now I'm trying to visualize it.
Can anyone please send me the structure (sample) of computed matrix of this tool so I can re-structure my featureCounts matrix and use that instead? Thanks so much.
I am trying to use your R package and things are fine but still, am confused. Let me explain better. This is format of my countmatrix: [Table1]
I have three replicates for each condition (D;control and I). Those are the peaks coordinates and numbers are count of reads for each range in each replicate.
I made this table/file somehow by imitating your package steps. [Table2]
This is my Deseq2 results on the regions/peaks. I took the peaks regions like genes and used Deseq2. Now, I have these regions that are significantly changed between my conditions. Then, I got back to my peaks countmatrix [Table1] and got the common significant ones and made [Table3].
Finally, I annotated these using Chipseeker. These are the headers:
At this point, I don't know what to do! I know that profile plot is not just about significant peaks, and also, I have the same problem with your package if I want to make a matrix. This BigWigs files should be from peak files (.bed)? Or should be from read files (.bam). I can't make wig files from peaks.
I am not really sure of want do you want to plot exactly.
Anyway, to make plots you do not need to annotate the bed files. you just need bed files.
Actually you do not need to get differential peaks to plot them.
As input you need bigWigs and regions (bed files) to plot. The bigWigs are the signal all over the genome and can be obtained, for example, by the function bamCoverage from deeptools. this function can convert .bam files into bigWigs.
once that you have your bigWigs and your beds (peaks) you just use deeptools to generate a matrix, and then you can use Rseb to plot the matrix
For example if you want to make a plot +/-1kb around the center of all your peaks you can use deeptools as follows:
computeMatrix reference-point -S <path to biwig file(s)> -R <path to bed file(s)> --upstream 1000 --downstream 1000 -o <path to matrix.gz>
I do not know whether it is clear?
My system couldn't perform and make a whole count matrix with all the replicates and samples I have. That was the issue.
I ended up doing it, control vs different treatments separately.