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2.9 years ago
Omics data mining
I am working on spatial 10X visum data. Space ranger was used for the identification of filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 matrix and given as input in Seurat R package. For Quality filteration, I would like to have gene symbol but my features consist of ENSEMBL ids. How can I change the ENSEMBL to gene_symbol within Seurat R object ?
Also, I loaded my result files in https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/SpatialExperiment/inst/doc/SpatialExperiment.html and did some analysis. Is there any way to read SpatialExperiment class in Seurat R ?
There are multiple posts that discuss your issue. For example, Extract ENSEMBL IDs from processed Seurat object instead of gene symbols , or Ensembl id to GeneSymbol with biomart.
Thanks fracarb8. It worked for me.