I would like to get some figures like that! Anyone here could help me with some tips?
PS- R or Python.
Thank you by your time.
I would like to get some figures like that! Anyone here could help me with some tips?
PS- R or Python.
Thank you by your time.
I think I was able to recreate this genome dinucleotide frequency plot in R
(more or less). Here is a full working example that you should be able to mess around with yourself. (There is a brief explanation after the code block.)
Here's what my version of this plot looks like:
And here's the R
#Probabilities for the bases.
rprobs <- function(n = 4){
x <- runif(n)
x <- x/sum(x)
#Genome simulator
genosim <- function(genlen = 1000){
genome <- paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "G", "C"), size = genlen, replace = TRUE, prob = rprobs(4)), collapse = "")
#Dinucleotide simulator.
dinucsim <- function(genomelen = 1000){
#Simulating a genome.
mygenome <- genosim(genlen = genomelen)
#Using substring() to extract all dinucleotides.
#This is possible because the function accepts vector inputs
#for the first and last positions indicating the substring.
n <- 2
dinucs <- substring(mygenome, 1:(nchar(mygenome) - n + 1), n:nchar(mygenome))
#Counting instances of each dinucleotide, converting into data.frame,
#and getting relative frequencies.
dinucs <- data.frame(table(dinucs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dinucs$Freq <- dinucs$Freq/sum(dinucs$Freq)
#Simulating 400 genomes worth of dinucleotide frequencies.
#400 random genome lengths.
ngenomes <- 400
genomelens <- sample(1000:10000, ngenomes, replace = TRUE)
#400 sets of dinucleotide frequencies using these.
df <- do.call("rbind",
lapply(genomelens, function(x){
#Simulated dinucleotide frequencies for this random genome length.
df <- dinucsim(genomelen = x);
#Unique genome identifier.
df$genome <- paste0("genome_", x);
#Assignment to some random domain.
df$domain <- sample(c("Bacteria", "Archaea", "Eukaryota"), 1);
rm(ngenomes, genomelens)
#Plotting the dinucleotide frequencies for these 400 genomes.
ggplot() +
geom_tile(data = df[df$domain == "Archaea", ],
aes(x = dinucs, y = Freq, fill = domain),
width = 0.125, height = 0.002,
position = position_nudge(x = -0.1)) + #Archaea as geom_tile()s position-dodged to the left
geom_point(data = df[df$domain == "Bacteria", ],
aes(x = dinucs, y = Freq, fill = domain),
size = 2,
position = "identity") + #Bacteria as geom_point()s
geom_tile(data = df[df$domain == "Eukaryota", ],
aes(x = dinucs, y = Freq, fill = domain),
width = 0.125, height = 0.002,
position = position_nudge(x = 0.1)) + #Eukaryotes as geom_tile()s position-dodged to the right
scale_fill_manual(name = "domain",
labels = c("Archaea", "Bacteria", "Eukaryota"),
values = c("green", "black", "red"), drop = FALSE)
I did this using ggplot2
. In the plot from the OP, the genomes are grouped into domains. The trick was to supply the dinucleotide frequency sets grouped by domain as separate layers to ggplot()
. In my example here, I passed one domain each as geom_tile()
s and one (bacteria) as geom_point()
. The other important trick was to position dodge the geom_tile()
layers in opposite directions.
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Could you possibly edit the title to read something like 'Can someone give me a direction on how to draw a figure like this one of dinucleotide frequency distribution pattern of genomes'? I think other people would benefit by being able to better find this thread as the search features won't be able to extract it from the image you posted.
@Wayne I will do that! Thank you for your attention. Paulo