I saw on one of the Seurat data visualization tutorials that if you have a dataset you generated from an experiment, you can split a dataset into the control and the treatment. For example, if you have the following dataset where the metadata is clearly split into groups, you can create visualizations for each group like this:
FeaturePlot(pbmc3k.final, features = c("MS4A1", "CD79A"), split.by = "groups")
I'm having trouble finding how my dataset is split into groups - there doesn't appear to be a feature of the metadata that indicates whether the data is from the control or the treatment group, but the the Seurat data analysis functions seems to recognize which cells they were collected from. When I run this function:
"cluster1.markers <- FindMarkers(seurat.obj, ident.1 = 1, min.pct = 0.1, test.use = "roc", logfc.threshold=0.1)
head(cluster1.markers, n = 1000)"
Seurat returns values for both "pct.1" and "pct.2," which leads me to believe that it can tell apart cells in the control group from cells in the treatment group. (Although the "avg_logFC" for all entries is "-Inf," which I'm not sure if it's concerning.) I've looked in the output of "seurat.obj@meta.data" but haven't found any thing that might seem to indicate control or treatment.
In a dataset without clearly labelled control and treatment groups, I'd like to know how I can tell apart the control and treatment group?
EDIT: "orig.ident" only has one value