Hi! First, Thanks to your help!
I ran vg tools for mapping vcf that was splited I choose mapping algorithm giraffe
First, I ran
vg autoindex --workflow giraffe --prefix ./output/ -r ./fasta/altsnpref.fasta -v ./vcf/RD_202105_4054774785_snp.recalibrated.vcf.gz -T ./log/ --threads 4 --target-mem 4G --verbosity 2
This is killed. I think this problem is memory. So i try to control memory size (e.g. 4~9G) But a problem is not completed
So I thought it would be memory efficient to split the file and run it. I used GATK SelectVariant to split vcf
for CHROM in {1..22} X Y
VCF+=(-v ./vcf/split/chr${CHROM}.vcf.gz)
vg autoindex --workflow giraffe --prefix ./test_split_outcome/ -r ref.fasta "${VCF[@]}" -T ./test_split_log/ --threads 4 --target-mem 4G --verbosity 2
Error is happened
error:[IndexRegistry] Contig chrY is found in multiple VCFs with different samples
What is problem? How can i fix it?
Thank you