I want to use GATK for somatic mutation prediction. I presently have a mapped BAM file from BWA. As I'm new to GATK I request someone to give me the commands to be used in GATK to get the VCF file. I had used the hg38 reference from NCBI for BWA.
Thanks for the help.
If you’re looking for an end-to-end explanation of the Mutect2 somatic analysis workflow, you may be interested in the O’Reilly book Genomics in the Cloud, which I coauthored. It explains a lot about how to run GATK and the Best Practices pipelines. (Despite the title, all the core explanations apply whether you run it locally, on a cluster or on the cloud)
I suspect you're the very same user that posted the same question a few hours ago : GATK commands for mutect2 ?
you can use this https://www.jianshu.com/p/a10876c7fd81
Is there any particular tool to run mutect2??
I'm learning to get vcf file for somatic mutation. Could you please help me for getting vcf file.
I worked with HaplotypeCaller for germline varriant. Now want to work on somatic mutation prediction.