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2.9 years ago
Hello everyone, new here and also new to the field. was asked to create a pipeline for RNA seq and after two months of self learning of how to interact with each code im stuck with the program STAR. what im trying to do for now is genomegenerate, ill add the code that i wrote here and the problem. hope anyone can help me. tried to write "sudo" before the command and it didnt work. NOTE: im not familiar with these languages, undergraduate in biomed studies so be patient if you may.. hehe
the code:
STAR --runThreadN 6\
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir ~/ncbi/public/sra/testercut \
--genomeFastaFiles /ncbi/public/sra/testercut/GCA_009858895.3.fasta \
--sjdbGTFfile /ncbi/public/sra/testercut/COVID_19_gene_annotation.gtf \
--outFileNamePrefix /ncbi/public/sra/testercut/STARGEN \
--sjdbOverhang 99
EXITING because of fatal OUTPUT FILE error: could not create output directory: /ncbi for --outFileNamePrefix /ncbi/public/sra/testercut/STARGEN
ERROR: Permission denied
SOLUTION: check the path and permissions.
Jan 05 09:59:42 ...... FATAL ERROR, exiting
would mean there was a ncbi folder in root. You probably forgot the tilde as used in the genomeDir argument.I don't think
is used during genome indexing, so can probably be removed.got it. now i got other problem after I removed the line of the prefix
why is that?
Did you even read my comment? Your paths are wrong. You mix
. In all likelyhood, there is no filder/ncbi
. Just usels /ncbi
, I bet it does not exist. Change the lines into~/ncbi
given that even exists. Do you understand my point, if not please tell how I should explain better.sorry about that, it worked. however now ill need to find a proper fasta/gtf file that correlate "Fatal INPUT FILE error, no valid exon lines in the GTF file: /home/tester/ncbi/public/sra/testercut/COVID19_gene_annotation.gtf Solution: check the formatting of the GTF file. One likely cause is the difference in chromosome naming between GTF and FASTA file."