I have a question regarding the best practice for data format for visualization via IGV:
In my RNA-Seq pipeline I have created .bam and .bai files from .fastq reads via PICARD.
Now I'm unsure if I have to convert the .bam and .bai files further for visualization via IGV because I have seen other pipelines converting the .bam and .bai files to .bedgraph and then further to .bigwig.
However, I didn't find the reason / advantage on why to do this.
Can someone give me the current best practice on visualization of RNA-Seq aligned sequences data via IGV?
Thanks, Thomas
No you don't need to convert them. As long as your BAM files are co-ordinate sorted and indexed then they are good to go for visualization in IGV. IGV would need the corresponding genome to be present. If it is something custom it will need to be loaded into IGV one time at beginning.