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3.0 years ago
I would like to set-up the orig.ident in the seurat object using the barcodes ID.
I was trying something like that:
matobj<-CreateSeuratObject(mat, min.cells = 100, min.features = 200, names.field = 1, names.delim = '_', assay = "RNA")
but the output for some reason instead to be 001C is seuratproject,
orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA
001C_AAACCTGCATCGGGTC SeuratProject 5477 2150
001C_AAACCTGTCAACACCA SeuratProject 20309 4724
001C_AAACCTGTCACAGTAC SeuratProject 1390 881
001C_AAACCTGTCTGTCTAT SeuratProject 3965 1940
thanks Carlos
An alternative is when you create the Seurat object, make sure you use the project parameter.
Also as a small suggestion just heads up with having rownames starting with numeric values - it can be problematic down the road if you are extensileyt using the meta data.