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5.2 years ago
Dear all, I'm run into an error when running kissplice2reftranscriptome; the error was:
Opening all files and formatting tables...
Collecting data...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kissplice2reftranscriptome", line 577, in <module>
File "kissplice2reftranscriptome", line 349, in main
codonTable), isSpecificCondition, pval, deltaf, componentSize)
TypeError: writeInMergedBubblesTsv() takes exactly 8 arguments (9 given)
I don't understand what is the problem, all my files looks good. My command line was:
kissplice2reftranscriptome -b Trinity.fasta.transdecoder.bed -k type0b.fa -t total.psl -s kissDE_results_table_filtered.tab
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dear sir, I have the same problem with yours. Have you had solved it?