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3.1 years ago
Hey all,
I'm kind of at my wit's end here... I know other's have posted similar errors, and I've eliminated the trivial (extra column) type causes.
> ddsPlin2wtvsko <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData, colData=metaData2,
design=~genotype, tidy = TRUE)
Error in DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countData, colData = metaData2, :
ncol(countData) == nrow(colData) is not TRUE
> all(colnames(countData) == rownames(metaData2))
> class(countData)
"matrix" "array"
> class(metaData2)
"matrix" "array"
> dim(as.matrix(countData))
54309 8
> dim(as.matrix(metaData2))
8 4
> all(colnames(countData) == rownames(metaData2))
Why am I getting an "ncol(countData) == nrow(colData) is not TRUE" error?!?
You, beauty! I'm totally baffled as to why there was an error, but at least I've moved past the banging head against wall stage.
Those messages are not problems. You want raw counts to be integers, and you probably want your design elements to be factors.