Hi all, I received some cram files from the 1000 genomes data. I am trying to convert them back to a fastq file, but can't seem to figure out how to do this. I've tried using
samtools fastq -1 out.R1.fastq -2 out.R2.fastq input.cram
but when doing this, I get an error of:
Failed to populate reference for id 0 Unable to fetch reference #0 9999..134549 Failure to decode slice [M::bam2fq_mainloop] processed 0 reads
I guess I can convert these back to a bam file, then convert them to a fastq, but this seems like a lot of unnecessary steps. I would think that there would be a straight forward approach to go directly from a cram to fastq, but can't seem to find a good solution.
Thanks for any help.
Thank you. I got that reference and still getting an error.
So, I'm not sure what is happening here...
Sounds like the chromosome names don't match or they're in a different order. Compare the header from the CRAM file to the chromosome names in the fasta.
That was the problem. just had to sort the cram file, and worked fine. Thanks for the help
Would you please let us know how did you do that? As I get the same error?
Check out the version of samtools you're using - version 1.7 and prior had an issue with
where it wasn't actually using that argument and was still looking in the header. Should be fixed in version 1.8+.