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3.1 years ago
I want to perform unsupervised hierarchical clustering of DEG (output of edgeR) using Rstudio.
I found hclust and dist functions but not sure about which packages should I use.
I checked posts but that confused my mind more.
Could you please explain me the correct tools and methods for it?
What do you mean by "clustering of DEG"? Based on what? what would be the distance measure between DEGs?
Based on the expression profiles of differentially expressed genes obtained using EdgeR pakcage.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I still don't understand. Maybe if you elaborate on your experiment design and expected output, then I (or someone else) could help. In what case would you say two DEGs should be clustered together? Are you trying to perform some kind of co-expression analysis across conditions? Can you provide a link to a paper where this type on analysis was performed?
Sorry for the unclear explanation.
I have 2 groups as normal and patient and I have DEG list obtained with comparing these groups.
I just want to get heatmap showing expression profiles like the paper given the link below
No problem - got you now. So you want to cluster DEGs and samples. You need to create a matrix where the cell in row i and column j corresponds to the expression level for DEG i in sample j. Once you have that, I think this is what you need.