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2.9 years ago
I am trying to get carriers of high impact variants of DUOX2 with the amazing snpeff/snpsift workflow
I annotate:
snpEff -Xmx64g "hg38" $sample.vcf.gz > $sample_annotated.vcf
I filter keeping variants with high impact in DUOX2
bcftools view $sample_annotated.vcf | SnpSift filter "( EFF[*].IMPACT = 'HIGH' ) & ( EFF[*].GENE = 'DUOX2' )" > $variant_filt.vcf
Now I want to keep only samples that have at least one non-homozygous reference genotype in any of the high impact variants. Is there a way to do this with snpeff or some other tool?
That certainty looks like it is working, but I get error:
[WARN][SnpEffPredictionParser]no INFO[EFF] or no description. This VCF was probably NOT annotated with SnpEff (old version)
I know I could rerun snpEff with
, but your command is not using these annotations right? If I understand the assumption is that I am filtering on the snpeff annotations prior to your command and that your command is just passing genotypes correct?this is just a warning. you can ignore this as your vcf is already filtered.
Thank you so much