I have 2 factors in the design formula in DESeq2
and my colData
Con = c (rep("CT_0",3),rep("CT_2",3),rep("CT_4",3), rep("S_0",3),rep("S_2",3),rep("S_4",3), rep("CS_0",3),rep("CS_2",3),rep("CS_4",3), rep("T_0",3),rep("T_2",3),rep("T_4",3), rep("T_0",3),rep("T_2",3),rep("T_4",3), rep("S_0",3),rep("S_2",3),rep("S_4",3))
So my control total 18 (where's tolerant control 9 (CT) and susceptible control 9(CS)), Tolerant sample 18 and susceptible sample 18.
point = c(rep("C",9), rep("S",9), rep("C",9), rep("T",18), rep("S",9))
So When set design with con+ point its shows error
dds1 = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countData, colData = nData, design = ~Con+point) dds1=DESeq(dds1)
Error in checkFullRank(modelMatrix) : the model matrix is not full rank, so the model cannot be fit as specified. One or more variables or interaction terms in the design formula are linear combinations of the others and must be removed. Please read the vignette section 'Model matrix not full rank': vignette('DESeq2')
Any expert opinion regarding this how can I design my analysis part? Every comment will be much appreciated. Thanks in advanced