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2.8 years ago
When using EnhancedVolcano how can I use the selectlabs()
option whilst still only labelling those above the significance threshold?
I have tried subletting the DESeq2 results object but I still get genes below the threshold labelled:
cazyme_volc_PreVsF_labled = EnhancedVolcano(res_cazyme_PreVsF,
selectLab = rownames(res_cazyme_PreVsF[(row.names(res_cazyme_PreVsF) %in% known_ECs$EC) & (!is.na(res_cazyme_PreVsF$padj)) & (res_cazyme_PreVsF$padj <= 0.05),]),
lab = rownames(res_cazyme_PreVsF),
title = "Pre vs Field",
x = 'log2FoldChange',
y = 'pvalue',
drawConnectors = TRUE,
widthConnectors = 1.0,
colConnectors = 'black',
boxedLabels = FALSE,
max.overlaps = 100)