Search for "Cluster" and specific letters in lines st104, pK in (st104H_20170,pKH911_25081).
If the lines below the header have both the initials st104,pK print header and the lines.
->Cluster 1
0 673aa -st104P_06575
1 673aa -st104H_22488
3 673aa -pKH911_09284
4 673aa -pKP911_09288
->Cluster 2
0 690aa -st104H_20170
1 690aa -KH911_25081
2 687aa -NE95031.1
3 685aa -TIG_004920
->Cluster 3
0 685aa -st104H_27649
1 690aa -st104P_11877
2 685aa -pKP911_15300
->Cluster 4
0 685aa -st104H_27649
1 690aa -st104P_11877
->Cluster 1
0 673aa -st104P_06575
1 673aa -st104H_22488
3 673aa -pKH911_09284
4 673aa -pKP911_09288
->Cluster 3
0 685aa -st104H_27649
1 690aa -st104P_11877
2 685aa -pKP911_15300
def cluster_filter(cluster_content):
if 'st104' in cluster_content and 'pK' in cluster_content:
with open("input.txt") as fh:
result = ""
luster_content = ""
for line in fh:
if line.startswith("Cluster"):
cluster_content = line
cluster_content += line
You've got an indent issue on line two and shouldn't around line 7
luster_content = ""
begin with ac
?If the first issue I asked about is due to pasting here, you should learn how to use triple ticks to post code blocks here to retain the formatting. Read under 'Block code formatting' here because that same style works here. The loss of the formatting makes it hard for people to help you if you've got code provided (thankfully!) but it gets all jumbled when you try to share it.
Also, what you show labeled as 'output' would be better labeled as
Expected output
orDesired output
? Always a good idea when sharing code is to provide the current output you see from your code. Or at least mention what happens in your hands.