I want to run analysis to filter out SNPs based on the following criteria: (a) <5% missingness rate per SNP (b) MAF >10% (c) <20% missingness rate per subject (d) HWE significance at p<.001
# Load the ped and map files
dat <- snpStats::read.pedfile(file = "./data/ped_final_re_MHC_mod.ped", snps = "./data/ped_final_re_MHC_mod.map")
plink --noweb --file ped_final_re_MHC_mod --geno 0.05 --maf 0.1 --mind 0.2 --hwe 0.001 --recode
Error: unexpected symbol in "plink --noweb --file ped_final_re_MHC_mod"
why important snps remove in --geno 0.2 filter steps ? i have gwas study in plink but remove important snps in alzheimer disease ( rs429358) --geno step. pls explain @Sam