Hello fellow humans,
I'm comparing two populations with each other via a FST analysis with qqman and Manhattan Plots in R.
I'm wondering what's the most efficient and elegant way to filter for most interesting Peaks only, and get the exact BP range quickly to determine if this peak is on a gene.
Ideally I would like to combine it with the information in my .gtf file to quickly determine if a given peak locus is on a gene. Thanks in advance!
The data looks the following:
My R data Frame for Manhattan Plots:
SNP CHR BP FST 1 47569.1 15 0.114
The content of the gtf file
NC_004593.1 RefSeq exon 1 68 . + . gene_id ""; transcript_id "unknown_transcript_1"; anticodon "(pos:31..33)"; gbkey "tRNA"; product "tRNA-Phe"; exon_number "1";