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3.1 years ago
RNA-Seq Data Analysis Workshop
Quality Control, Read Mapping, Visualization and Downstream Analyses
When? February 28 - March 3, 2022
Where? Berlin, Germany
Link? https://www.ecseq.com/workshops/workshop_2022-01-RNA-Seq-data-analysis
Advance your research. Understand RNA-Seq analyses challenges and solve them yourself.
In a nutshell
- Learn the essential computing skills for NGS bioinformatics
- Understand NGS analysis algorithms (e.g. read alignment) and data formats
- Use bioinformatics tools for handling RNA-Seq data
- Create diagnostic graphics and statistics
- Compare different approaches for differential expression analysis
More information and application: https://www.ecseq.com/workshops/workshop_2022-01-RNA-Seq-data-analysis