Dear user,
Could anyone can explain my situation. I have microarray data of 53 cases and 53 controls. I conducted logistic regression with age as a covariate. I conducted with typed SNP and imputed SNP The QQ plot of typed SNP is ok. However, the QQ plot with imputed SNP looks like this and many imputed variants have P-value of around 0.2, This is repeated in all 22 chromosomes. I use shapeIT for pre-phase and IMPUTE2 for phasing. Then use the dosage data for analysis. I tried to filter info score with 0.3 , 0.4 and 0.5 and MAF >= 0.05 and 0.1 but it still same.Does anyone face this situation before? Please let me know your advice. Thank you very much
did you check your imputation accuracy for each chromosome
Yes, the concordance range from 0.9 to 0.99, typically at 0.95. Before I exclude those with info score < 0.3 and MAF <= 0.05 it is even like this