For my current project I am using blastn and a local version of the nt data base to search homologous sequences. After some time I came to realize that my local searches lack allot of hits that I can get with the same input sequence using the online service.
My local command looks like so.
blastn -db nt -query input.fasta -max_target_seqs 10000 -outfmt "6 evalue bitscore pident sseqid slen sstart send sframe qstart qend qframe qseq sseq staxid" -out blastn.results
The only changes I did to the default parameters in the online and the local version is setting the "max_target_seqs" to 1000.
I will find a couple of sequences in the online version which have higher e-values than my worst hits in the local search and for which I can confirm with blastdbcmd that they are present in my local nt db. As an example I would have loved to found the sequence OU342721.1 the Longspined bullhead. But this hit is not present in my local results yet in the online version. I tried to confirm that my local nt database contains the sequence like so:
$ blastdbcmd -db nt -outfmt %T -entry OU342721.1
The lowest e-value I retrieve in my local search is 4.60e-08 in the online version 2e-30. So there is a many more sequences missing in my local search.
Infos about my local nt database:
$ blastdbcmd -info -db nt
Database: Nucleotide collection (nt)
76,140,253 sequences; 583,847,353,310 total bases
Date: Nov 12, 2021 10:18 AM Longest sequence: 99,791,824 bases
BLASTDB Version: 5
Why the local blast and online blast produce different results?
Cannot reproduce BLAST results returned by the WEB API on the shell-based BLAST+ 2.7.1
In addition to the very useful links that have been offered, your database is about 3 months behind NCBI.