Hi, I concducted a differential expression analysis with limma - voom for RNA-seq data. Starting with a raw RNA-seq expression data, this is my code:
de <- DGEList(raw)
de <- calcNormFactors(de)
# Filter low-expressed genes
cutoff = 1
drop <- which(apply(cpm(de), 1, max) < cutoff)
de <- de[-drop,]
design <- model.matrix(~Response, metadata)
contrast <- matrix(c(1 ,0), ncol = 1)
dimnames(contrast) <- list(c('Response', 'No Response'), 'Diff')
Voom <- voom(de, design, plot = TRUE)
vfit <- lmFit(Voom, design)
vfit <- contrasts.fit(vfit, contrasts = contrast)
efit<- eBayes(vfit) moderation
deg <- topTable(efit, coef = 'Diff', p.value = 0.05, adjust.method = 'fdr',
number = Inf)
Now, I want to do a heatmap for the top 15 up genes and the 15 down genes, this is the code I'm using:
rownames(deg) = na.omit(rownames(deg))
deg <- deg[!is.na(rownames(deg)), ]
deg$symbol <- rownames(deg)
selectUp <- deg$symbol[deg$logFC > 0][1:15]
selectDown <- deg$symbol[deg$logFC < 0][1:15]
select = c(selectUp,selectDown)
heatmap_dataframe <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(raw15),
outcome = metadata$Response)
normcounts = assay(vst(raw,blind=T)) ## What data should I use for the VST ?
pheatmap(normcounts[select,], cluster_rows=TRUE,
show_colnames = FALSE,cluster_cols=TRUE,
annotation_col= heatmap_dataframe, scale = 'row',cutree_cols = 2,cutree_rows = 2)
I just dont know what data should I use? is it de
? is it Voom
? or the raw
I tried doing DESeq2::vst
for the raw data but that doesn't work.. so which data should I use ? is my code alright ?
Can you please use the object names I used ? because I don't understand which is which.. what is
in your example ?It's the
after running the normalization and filtering.y
it thatDGEList
if you look into the edgeR documentation, sorry about that.