how to query ensembl sql database - to check if a snp (name = rs...) is in an intron ?
I would like to use mysql to do that
Thanks, pini.
how to query ensembl sql database - to check if a snp (name = rs...) is in an intron ?
I would like to use mysql to do that
Thanks, pini.
mysql -h -u anonymous -P 5306
use homo_sapiens_variation_79_38;
select, variation_feature.consequence_types from variation, variation_feature where variation.variation_id = variation_feature.variation_id and = "rs...";
Note that e80 is in the process of coming out so if you want the most recent data, wait a few hours and make it:
use homo_sapiens_variation_80_38;
The schema is at Note that that link won't work right now (e80 coming out) so give it a couple of hours.
I have this code to query dbSNP IDs
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awesome thanks!