Hi every one someone help me please, I need design one PCR primer for 5 different sequences by linux command line, Is there a tool to do that?
Hi every one someone help me please, I need design one PCR primer for 5 different sequences by linux command line, Is there a tool to do that?
rm -f output.txt
for F in input1 input2 input3 input4 input5
cat ${F} | primer3_core | grep -E '(PRIMER_(LEFT|RIGHT)_[0-9]+_SEQUENCE)' | cut -d '=' -f 2 - | paste - - | sort | uniq >> output.txt
cat output.txt | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1==5'
Thank you, after use give me
Pick PCR primers and hybridization oligos
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'LOCUS OM432158 29805 bp RNA linear VRL 28-JAN-2022'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'LOCUS OM432158 29805 bp RNA linear VRL 28-JAN-2022'
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Died: eprimer32 terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no more retries
Pick PCR primers and hybridization oligos
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename '>NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome'
Error: Unable to read sequence '>NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome'
Died: eprimer32 terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no more retries
Pick PCR primers and hybridization oligos
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'LOCUS OL779038 29725 bp RNA linear VRL 09-DEC-2021'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'LOCUS OL779038 29725 bp RNA linear VRL 09-DEC-2021'
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Died: eprimer32 terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no more retries
Pick PCR primers and hybridization oligos
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'LOCUS OL601549 29762 bp RNA linear VRL 22-NOV-2021'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'LOCUS OL601549 29762 bp RNA linear VRL 22-NOV-2021'
Input nucleotide sequence(s): Error: Failed to open filename 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate'
Died: eprimer32 terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no more retries
primer3_core expects a primer3-input format ( https://primer3.org/manual.html#inputOutputConventions ), not a genbank file as you did above.
Thanks, Pierre Lindenbaum but I used EMBOSS_PRIMER32_CORE =/usr/bin/primer3_core eprimer32 -sequence=
which take sequence fasta file name, don't take sequence, So give me
Pick PCR primers and hybridization oligos
Error: Failed to open filename ''
Error: Unable to read sequence ''
Died: eprimer32 terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' and no prompt
and meaning of this line (grep -E '(PRIMER_(LEFT|RIGHT)_[0-9]+_SEQUENCE)') thanks
Failed to open filename ''
check your syntax
line (grep -E '(PRIMER_(LEFT|RIGHT)_[0-9]+_SEQUENCE)') thanks
peak up all the lines that contains the xx primers
the output of primer3 is something like
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IMO, this is good for your requirements: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/tools/primer-blast/index.cgi?GROUP_TARGET=on
thank you, but I need make this by command line on linux terminal