I am using wiggleplotr in a shiny app to visualize read coverage between sets of single cell bigwigs. I have chosen this solution because I cannot afford the memory requirments of loading read coverage into memory, rather specific genomic regions can be queried from bigwig. This requires that I keep track of filepaths of corresponding bigwigs for every cell.
Right now I am using a sqlite database to keep track of these file paths but this seems brittle. It is a challenge to keep it up to date. Is there a binary-indexed multisample file format that I could use instead? Can bigwig be multisample?
bedgraph can contain arbitarily many columns and could be considered binary (bgzip'd) and indexable (tabix) but it is not as efficient as a true binary encoding. would also be curious in this
I also thought I could write genomicranges to an hdf5 file but it doesn't seem like there's a method for this in rhdf5?
genomicssqllite also seems like an interesting approach. Though it doesn't have R bindings supported.