STANDALONE BLAST is already installed in my remote server, and i am trying to do a simple blast between my protein query sequence and a file of whole protein sequences present in an organism. i made a database fold and made database with command-
makeblastdb -in GCF_000240185.1_ASM24018v2_protein.faa -dbtype prot
then executed blastp comman-
blastp -query ~/firstref_seq -db /home/priya/BLAST/database/GCA_900635735.1_32875_B01_protein.faa -out test_results.txt
but its showing error-
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for protein database [/home/priya/BLAST/database/GCA_900635735.1_32875_B01_protein.faa] in search path [/home/priya/BLAST/database::]
i am executing blastp command in same directory where my database is present. someone tell me what's the problem here?
errors are clear. Make sure that files and index is available on remote machine, for program to run.