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3.0 years ago
I want to annotate and filter my vcf file using allele frequency ( <0.02 ) and quality (pass) using bcftools. this is the datasets that I use it : refGene,exac03,esp6500siv2_all,gnomad_exome,clinvar_20210501,dbscsnv11,dbnsfp42a How ? I'm newer in the field.
First, you have to annotate your VCF files with one of the know annotation tools like snpEff, Annovar, VEP, and then you can easily filter out variants based on your thresholds.
I download ANNOVAR and the databases I want it but I don't know how I annotate using ANNOVAR can you help me please!
What errors are you getting when you follow the Annovar documentation? Be sure to post the commands that you are using.