I work in a lab where we have sequenced a set of Covid-19 genomes and I am currently in the process of constructing consensus sequences from the read data. I have trimmed the NGS output and performed the alignments, and from there used the command:
samtools mpileup -uf Wuhan1.fasta full_len_sam_header.bam | bcftools call -c |
vcfutils.pl vcf2fq > full_len_consensus.fastq
to call the consensus sequence and output it into a final fastq file to be viewed. This works perfectly for my alignments that have higher coverage (~90%+), but my reads with poor coverage seem to output empty fastq files. Is there anyway to call a consensus sequence for my low coverage reads? I understand with low coverage much of the consensus cannot be filled, but I would still like to be able to view the areas that are covered in context of the whole genome.
Thank you this is exactly what I needed!