Hi there,
I have an old bed and vcf files that were created using the genome reference b36. Is there any way to update the genome coordinates to GRCh37/hg19?
Many thanks in advance, Anna
Hi there,
I have an old bed and vcf files that were created using the genome reference b36. Is there any way to update the genome coordinates to GRCh37/hg19?
Many thanks in advance, Anna
NCBI remap service can be used for this. Specifically, you can use this link with the combination of source (NCBI36/hg18) and target (GRCh37/hg19) assemblies selected.
I have also tried this link. But when uploading the file to the Michigan Imputation Server, it gives the following error:
Unable to parse header with error: Your input file has a malformed header: We never saw the required CHROM header line (starting with one #) for the input VCF file
and my vcf does have the #CHROM header:
line 45: 10 111955 rs7909677 A G . PASS PR;REMAP_ALIGN=FP GT 0/0 (...)
I uploaded the file. Can you please tell me how to upload the file here?
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##INFO=<ID=PR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Provisional reference allele, may not be based on real reference genome">
##bcftools_filterCommand=filter -r 10 EPI.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Feb 28 12:17:19 2022
##INFO=<ID=REMAP_ALIGN,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Alignment type used for remapping (FP=first pass, SP=second pass)">
##INFO=<ID=REF_EDIT,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="REF base modified during remapping due to either left shifting or difference in REF base between source and target assemblies.">
##NCBI_remap_align_date="2014-09-23 20:19:00"
10 111955 rs7909677 A G . PASS PR;REMAP_ALIGN=FP GT 0/0
Is it ok like this, or should I upload the file another way?
While doing that, I noticed that at the end of the file, I had a few lines with other chromosomes (eg, HSCHRUN_RANDOM_CTG15). After removing them, the imputation worked.
Again, my original file with only chr11 had 33.421 lines and my remapped file has 12.055. Is it expectable to lose that many variants?
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ucsc liftover and picard liftovervcf
I tried with picard liftovervcf, but it gives me an empty file (it only has the header lines), while all variants go to the rejected_variants.vcf
java -jar picard.jar LiftoverVcf I=chr11.vcf O=chr11b.vcf CHAIN=hg18ToHg19.over.chain REJECT=rejected_variants.vcf R=ucsc.hg19.fasta
check the chromosome nomenclature (chr1 vs 1)
Yes, that was it. Silly mistake sorry
Still, the output file has 237.905 lines and the rejected_variants file has 436.954 lines, which seems a lot. Is it expectable?
It also gives me this warning: WARNING LiftoverVcf 137518 variants with a swapped REF/ALT were identified, but were not recovered.