Hi all,
I'm trying to analyse SNP data created within STACKS v2.55 and out put from STACKS within genepop format for Lositan. genepop format is converted again use PGDspider v2.1.1.5, When I import the data to popGen32 v1.31, output "The number of loci cat`t be 0 or greater than 400". But I don't know how to solve this mistake, can someone help me?
The data format is as follow: Number of populations = 6 Number of loci = 9483 1_0 2_0 ... pop ind1, 002002 002004 002004... ind2,002002 002004 002004.. pop ind3,002002 000000 000000... ind4,002002 000000 002002... pop ind5,002002 004004 002002 ...
Many thanks