I have one pair end sample with 3 Different Lanes.
Lane 1:- V300110856_L01_A01_1.fq.gz V300110856_L01_A01_2.fq.gz
Lane 2:- V300110856_L01_A02_1.fq.gz V300110856_L01_A02_2.fq.gz
Lane 3:- V300110856_L01_A03_1.fq.gz V300110856_L01_A03_2.fq.gz
So should I merge the lane data or Can i go ahead analyzing data from one Lane? They are prepared from same library.
You should merge the 3 lanes by orientation, i.e., forward and reverse, and use the merged/combined files for analysis.
In bash you can merge the files by doing:
I hope this helps,