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3.0 years ago
Hi all, I would like to use this package, but I don't understand which as to be the format of the input data. I have an excel file with the first column with the names of my samples, other columns with variables like date, location ecc, then several columns with presence/absence data of the plant families identified through DNA metabarcoding. How should I import my dataset?
Thanks you,
Please check the vignette to see the input format required : https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/UpSetR/vignettes/basic.usage.html
Thank you for your answer, but I don't understand how to convert my excel file in the data format required. My data seems to be in the same format of the movies dataset, but when I run the upset command I got an error and I suppose it is due to my data format
I would be glad to help but I don't know what does your dataset look like and I need to know which error you have