Hi everyone,
I have generated sorted bam files for multiple samples. I also have generated a particular BED file (tab limited file with Chr, start and end regions of interest). I would like to quantify reads mapped to these regions and generate a count matrix.
I used the following command to generate bam files for the desired regions stored in my.bed file (using original sample.bam)
samtools view -h -L my.bed sample.bam
The above command generates the new bam files. I sorted the bam file using sam sort. Now I would like to quantify the amount of reads mapped to each desired region as counts from the new bam file. I tried to use featureCount from subRead as below:
featureCounts -A my.Bed -o SampleCounts.txt sample.Sorted.bam
This command does not generate the counts. Am I supposed to only pass gtf file as annotation to feature count? Or my steps are wrong? Any idea is really appreciated.