The output of my admixture command looks like that:
0.807781 0.103628 0.000010 0.088581
0.000010 0.340997 0.658983 0.000010
0.043489 0.516310 0.428646 0.011555
0.000010 0.999970 0.000010 0.000010
0.000010 0.297796 0.702184 0.000010
0.999970 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010
0.000010 0.786360 0.213620 0.000010
0.878834 0.056439 0.000010 0.064717
Is it possible to add a column with individuals IDs? I did not find an appropriate option in admixture.
Can't figure out order of output rows in ADMIXTURE