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2.7 years ago
Step 1 : I had converted a bedfile from hg19 -->hg38 using crossmap.py.
Step2: Sorted it BEDTools/bin/sortBed -i Hg19_to_Hg38.bed> Hg19_to_Hg38_sorted.bed
Step3: Doing tabix /htslib/tabix -h -R Hg19_to_Hg38_sorted.bed gnomad.genomes.v3.1.2.hgdp_tgp.chrY.vcf. bgz > ChrY.vcf
The regions are not sorted: chr1:120888022-120889411 is before chr1:120888022-120888079 Could not read Hg19_to_Hg38_sorted.bed
I am facing this error while running, but there is no position as chr1:120888022-120889411 in the bed file and also I have checked this Hg19_to_Hg38_sorted.bed and its sorted. why is my file not being read ?
that is not the syntax I would use (and t's not clear why your mixing vcf and bed in your commands...)
I wanted to extract the regions in the bed from the genome file
what is "the genome file" ???
gnomad v3 genome files
this worked. thank you so much