I am very new to bioinformatics. I am currently examining the differences between DNA methylation in blood and synovial tissue. The DNA methylation data was generated using Illumina EPIC array. I have paired data for 50 patients i.e. each patient had both blood and synovial tissue DNA methylation data. I want to do a paired analysis of the differences in DNA methylation between blood and synovium, taking into account the individual patient.
Some people have suggested I used lme4 using a random effects model but I unfortunately have no idea to go about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To me, this looks to be a common basic design in methylation analysis studies. I believe the methylation profile in blood is NOT dependent on the synovial fluid methylation pattern and indeed the sample groups are not related. So all you need is to follow a basic methylation analysis workflow like this. Also, the Biostars hosts a couple of tutorials which might be helpful for one with not much experience in the methylation field (like this and this).
Thanks for the reply. The main concern with the above methylation analysis pipeline is that it does not take into account the fact that the samples are paired I.e. blood and synovial tissue come from the same patient and there are 50 individual patients with both blood and synovial tissue.
Therefore if I follow the standard analysis, blood from all patients will be one group and synovial tissue from all patients will be another group.
The aim of doing a paired analysis is to take into account inflammation in the synovial tissue may also be reflected in the blood in rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals in the study have different levels of inflammation and therefore their dna methylation in both the blood and the synovium will be different.