Hello everybody, I want to annotate a VCF file with vep (v. 104). I installed VEP and everything works fine. However, when using the --custom flag and a gnomAD.vcf file to annotate allele frequencies, I get the following error message:
VEP: MSG: ERROR: Cannot use format vcf without Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix module installed
I reinstalled VEP and the problem still occurs.
Furthermore, after screening the internet, I tried
export PERL5LIB=/home/username/ensembl-vep/Bio/DB/HTS
as the Tabix.pm remains there --- but withouta any success.
Thank you for any advice or help!
Hey Ben!
I am still struggling with this issue. ensembl-vep is already in my @INC and the Tabix.pm is also at the right location.
Any ideas how to go further?