Hi all,
I'm trying to download some files from GEO using the following code on a cluster:
# Load modules
module load SRA-Toolkit/2.9.6-1-centos_linux64 # Load the SRA toolkit
# Get the fastq files
fasterq-dump SRR11567291 -O /scratch/goettel_lab/Yoesefi_2022/'Data_fastq' -t /scratch/goettel_lab
However I get the following error (repeatedly)
2022-03-09T15:07:37 fasterq-dump.2.9.6 err: file unauthorized while opening file within network system module - Failed to KNSManagerVMakeHttpFileInt('https://sra-downloadb.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sos4/sra-pub-hup-1/SRR011/11567/SRR11567291/SRR11567291.1' ( from ''
2022-03-09T15:07:37 fasterq-dump.2.9.6 err: file unauthorized while opening file within network system module - error with https open 'https://sra-downloadb.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sos4/sra-pub-hup-1/SRR011/11567/SRR11567291/SRR11567291.1'
2022-03-09T15:07:37 fasterq-dump.2.9.6 err: invalid accession 'SRR11567291'
The file exists and when downloading other data using the same code (e.g. replace SRR11567291 by SRR12492863) no problems exist, so it seems specific to this dataset. Weirdly enough, some other accession numbers in the same dataset were downloaded successfully.
Does anyone know how to get around this error?
Thanks, Justin
Thanks, this particular dataset does not show (yet?) in SRA-explorer.
It is there. Got the following links from
.I have replaced
since most browsers don't do FTP any more.