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2.8 years ago
I want to read into a list of MAF files and combine it with the clinical data and then perform clinical enrichment analysis.
# Load MAF files (By default, silent mutations are discarded using removeSilent=TRUE; Hence, silent mutations do not need to be subsetted in Question 2)
d <- merge_mafs(lapply(Sys.glob("mafs/Patient*.maf"), read.maf))
# Load sample information
c <- read.table(file="sample-information.tsv", sep="\t", header=T)
# Combine MAF and sample info
d <- read.maf(maf=d, clinicalData=c)
-Reading Error in file.info(file) : invalid filename argument
# Clinical enrichment
response.ce = clinicalEnrichment(maf=d, clinicalFeature="Response")
Error in `[.data.table`(getClinicalData(x = maf), ,
c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode", : column(s) not found: Response