Dear colleagues
I am trying to design a circos plot using BioCircos R package. BioCircos allows to save the plots as .html interactive files. However, when I run the package using RScript the saved .html file is empty. To save the .html file I used saveWidget option from htmlwidgets package. Is it something wrong with saveWidget option? The code I used follows:
######R script for BioCircos test
genomes <- list("chra1" = 217471166, "chra2" = 181034961, "chra3" = 153873357, "chra4" = 153961319, "chra5" = 164033575,
"chra6" = 154486312, "chra7" = 133565930, "chra8" = 147241510, "chra9" = 91218944, "chra10" = 52432566, "chrb1" = 843366180, "chrb2" = 842558404, "chrb3" = 707956555, "chrb4" = 635713434, "chrb5" = 567300182,
"chrb6" = 439630435, "chrb7" = 236595445, "chrb8" = 231667822, "chrb9" = 230778867, "chrb10" = 151572763, "chrb11" = 103205957) # custom genome
links_chromosomes_01 <- c("chra1", "chra2", "chra3", "chra4", "chra4", "chra5", "chra6", "chra7", "chra7", "chra8", "chra8", "chra9", "chra10") # Chromosomes on which the links should start
links_chromosomes_02 <- c("chrb2", "chrb3", "chrb1", "chrb9", "chrb10", "chrb4", "chrb5", "chrb6", "chrb1", "chrb8", "chrb3", "chrb7", "chrb6") # Chromosomes on which the links should end
links_pos_01 <- c(115060347, 102611974, 14761160, 128700431, 128681496, 42116205, 58890582, 40356090,
146935315, 136481944, 157464876, 39323393, 84752508, 136164354,
99573657, 102580613,
111139346, 120764772, 90748238, 122164776,
44933176, 18823342,
48771409, 128288229, 150613881, 18509106, 123913217, 51237349,
34237851, 53357604, 78270031,
25306417, 25320614,
41447919, 28810876, 2802465,
81968637, 27858237, 17263637,
30569409) ### links chra chromosomes
links_pos_02 <- c(410543481, 463189512, 825903588, 353914638, 354135472, 717707494, 643107332, 724899652,
583713545, 558756961, 642015290, 154999098, 340216235, 557731577,
643350872, 655077847,
85356666, 157889318, 226411560, 161566470,
109857786, 25338955,
473876792, 124495704, 46258030, 572314729, 141584107, 426419779,
531245660, 220131772, 353941099,
62422773, 62387030,
76544045, 33452274, 7942164,
215981114, 39278129, 23302654,
418922633) ### links chrb chromosomes
links_labels <- c("aldh1a3", "amh", "cyp26b1", "dmrt1", "dmrt3", "fgf20", "hhip", "srd5a3",
"amhr2", "dhh", "fgf9", "nr0b1", "rspo1", "wnt1",
"aldh1a2", "cyp19a1",
"lhx9", "pdgfb", "ptch2", "sox10",
"cbln1", "wt1",
"esr1", "foxl2", "gata4", "lrpprc", "serpine2", "srd5a2",
"asns", "ctnnb1", "srd5a1",
"cyp26a1", "cyp26c1",
"ar", "nr5a1", "ptgds",
"cxcr4", "pdgfa", "sox8",
tracklist <- BioCircosLinkTrack('myLinkTrack', links_chromosomes_01, links_pos_01,
links_pos_01, links_chromosomes_02, links_pos_02, links_pos_02,
maxRadius = 0.55, labels = links_labels)
#plotting results
plot_chra_chrb <- BioCircos(tracklist, genome = chra_chrb_genomes, genomeFillColor = "RdBu", chrPad = 0.02, displayGenomeBorder = FALSE, genomeLabelTextSize = "10pt", genomeTicksScale = 4e+3,
elementId = "chra_chrb_comp_plot_test.html")
saveWidget(plot_chra_chrb, "chra_chrb_comp_plot_test.html", selfcontained = F, libdir = "lib")
The command line to run this script:
Rscript /path_to/Circle_plot_test.r
I tried to use this script in RStudio (without saveWidget() command), however it took too long to run in my personnel computer and the results was not displayed. However, this could be due to memory usage setup because when I took off some data, the script easily generates the plot in RStudio and I am able to save it. Is there other way to save the .hmtl interactive files in R or am I doing something wrong using htmlwidgets package in my script? Thanks all in advance for any help and comments.