i have a plain text file with a list of GO that were significant in my enrichment analysis and i would like to reduce its redundancy (just like REVIGO is doing). Could you please suggest a way to do this? Preferably an R package. Output should be another plain text file.
Ah, that's a different question then! :)
Why don't you re-phrase your question to something like "How can I automate REVIGO" and I'll point you to a script that does it.
For automating REVIGO submissions, you can use this python script (which I originally found on biostars, too, I believe). I don't fully remember which changes I made, but you can see my version here.
I would use it like this in R (pseudo-code! don't use as is):
fname_out_revigo <- paste0(out_path, "REVIGO_results")
fname_out2 <- paste0(fname_out_revigo, ".R")
py_script <- "download_revigo_improved.py"
## submit to REVIGO using the python script
system(paste(python, py_script, GO_term_list, fname_out_revigo), wait=TRUE)
## format the REVIGO result (I have more customized functions downstream, so this
## is probably optional
system(paste("sed -n '/^revigo\\.data.*/,/^stuff.*/p'",
fname_out_revigo2,"| egrep '^rev|^c' >", fname_out2))
## load the REVIGO data into your current environment
no idea how (or if) you do this with R but you could map them to GOslim ?
You could use goSlim from
.why is REVIGO not up for the job?
Because i'd like to automate it and didn't find script to do it with REVIGO.
Ah, that's a different question then! :) Why don't you re-phrase your question to something like "How can I automate REVIGO" and I'll point you to a script that does it.