Hello everyone, I have a data set with 12 samples belong to 2 conditions and 2 cell types. It is a temperature experiment. My conditions are: 4 of Cold Cell A , 3 of Warm Cell A and 5 of Warm Cell B. Cell B and Cell A can transform each other so I want to include it too. Is it possible to identify the AS events coming from temperature changes but not from cell type differences?
The tool I am using is based on edgeR and I need to give a formula to the function. I prepared a formula but I am not totally sure that if it works properly:
targets <- data.frame(row.names = paste0('Sample',c(1:12)),
bam = BAMFiles[seq(3,25,by=2)],
temperature = c(rep("Cold",4),rep("Warm",8)),
cell_type = c(rep("Beige",7) , rep("White",5)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
form <- formula(~0 + temperature+cell_type+temperature:cell_type)
Do you think this formula is okay or do I need to change it?
Thank you in advance
Yes AS events is alternative splicing events. I am using ASpli package for this analyses but this package uses edgeR so I thought a generalized question would be okay.