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3.0 years ago
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I'm working on a gene in all fish (multi-copy, pseudogene, non-existent) and blast can solve part of the problem, but you know, the blast results sometimes don't match very well at the ends, but for a large number of Genome, I want to extend the bases based on the results of the blast for manual judgment. Can you tell me how to fix it, or what software to use? I would appreciate it if you could tell me

genes • 1.1k views
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3.0 years ago

You could use tab-delimited output from BLAST (-output-fmt 6) as a BED file with bedops --range in BEDOPS, e.g.:

$ bedops --range 10000 --everything in.bed > out.bed


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Thank you very much for your suggestion. Now I use the blast output file in fmt6 format, and get the extended base positions at the beginning and end in bedops, but the sequence in the inbed file is not modified. Does bedops support modifying the sequence? Or do I need to use the output bed file to find my extended sequence in the fasta file? I would be very grateful if you could answer

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Modify the BED intervals with bedops --range etc., and then follow this up with using samtools faidx (search on those two keywords) and indexed FASTA to retrieve the sequence over the modified intervals. I have a convenience script here:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# --
# Reads BED data from standard input, writes FASTA to standard output.
# Dependent on samtools and indexed FASTA data files located in $fastaDir
# variable. Set --fastaDir=dir to set custom directory containing a source
# of per-build, bgzip-compressed FASTA and associated index (fa.gz.fai)
# files, or leave unset to use data in current working directory. Use the
# --fastaIsUncompressed option if the FASTA files are not compressed.
# test if samtools is available
`samtools --version` || die "Error: The samtools application is required to run this script. Try 'module add samtools' or install a local copy of samtools.\n";
# default FASTA input is current working directory
my $fastaDir = `pwd`; chomp $fastaDir;
# default is to assume input coordinates use zero-based index scheme
my $oneBased;
# default is to leave IDs alone
my $useIDPrefixAsStrand;
# default is to assume FASTA files are bgzip-compressed
my $fastaIsUncompressed;
GetOptions ('fastaDir=s' => $fastaDir, 'oneBased' => $oneBased, 'useIDPrefixAsStrand' => $useIDPrefixAsStrand, 'fastaIsUncompressed' => $fastaIsUncompressed);
if (! -d $fastaDir) { die "Error: FASTA directory does not exist\n"; }
while (<STDIN>) {
my ($chr, $start, $stop, $id, $score, $strand) = split("\t", $_);
if (!defined($chr) || !defined($start) || !defined($stop)) { die "Error: No chromosome name, start or stop position defined\n"; }
if (!defined($id)) { $id = "."; }
if (!defined($score)) { $score = "."; }
if (!defined($strand)) { $strand = "+"; } else { $strand = substr($strand, 0, 1); }
# adjust coordinates to one-based index, if necessary
my ($queryChr, $queryStart, $queryStop) = ($chr, $start, $stop);
if (!$oneBased) {
# adjust strand if required
if ($useIDPrefixAsStrand) {
$strand = substr($id, 0, 1);
# lookup
my $queryFn = "$fastaDir/$chr.fa.gz";
if ($fastaIsUncompressed) {
$queryFn = "$fastaDir/$chr.fa";
my $queryKey = "$queryChr:$queryStart-$queryStop";
my $queryResult = `samtools faidx $queryFn $queryKey`; chomp $queryResult;
# linearize result
my @lines = split("\n", $queryResult);
my @seqs = @lines[1..(scalar @lines - 1)];
my $seq = join("", @seqs);
# handle reverse-stranded elements
if ($strand eq "-") {
$seq = rc_sequence($seq);
# print to standard output
my $header = ">".join(":",($chr, $start, $stop, $id, $score, $strand));
print STDOUT $header."\n".$seq."\n";
sub rc_sequence {
my $seq = shift @_;
my $reverse_complement = reverse($seq);
$reverse_complement =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/;
return $reverse_complement;
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that uses indexed FASTA and samtools to convert BED lines to FASTA records.

Example usage:

$ perl --options... < in.bed > out.fa

Replace --options ... with command-line options, as needed.


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