I used blastx to search DNA fasta files for proteins that I compiled to a costum database using makeblastdb -dbtype prot
. The blastx command I used is as follows:
blastx -query sample1.fasta -db costum_DB -out result_sample1.tsv -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore" -num_threads 12
Then I used the following command to print the number of hits of each protein in my input fasta file.
cut -f2 result_sample1.tsv | sort | uniq -c > summy_of_hits_sample1.tsv
My question is: how can I filter or print only hits with a minimum e-value? The maximum e-value given now is 10 and I want to only count hits where the e-value is 0.01. Since the e-value is present in column 11, I guess there might be a possibility to filter?