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2.9 years ago
Hi, How to give spades command for multiple fastq files for a single cultivator.
spades.py -t 30 -1 ERR142_1.fastq -1 ERR143_1.fastq -2 ERR142_2.fastq -2 ERR143_2.fastq -o /SPADES_OUT/S_S002
Pl, let me know whether this command is right. I have one cultivator which has two fastq paired files, so I need a single assembly of this.
spades.py -t 30 -1 ERR142_1.fastq, ERR143_1.fastq -2 ERR142_2.fastq, ERR143_2.fastq -o /SPADES_OUT/S_S002
If I am using this command it is giving me error.