I have some paired-end RNAseq data that I downloaded (so, not mine). I started with their fastq files and have run them through Trimmomatic and STAR Aligner. I am currently trying to call peaks via MACS2, but got an error when I told MACS2 a too small fragment size. MACS2 is saying the fragment sizes in my BAM files are ~1700bp.
The paper these data came from said they used read lengths of 100bp and this was confirmed when I ran FASTQC on their fastq files.
What could have happened along the way?
Ah, I was missing a piece of the puzzle. Thank you so much!
You have tagged this RNAseq but then are asking about MACS2. I assume that is a typo? MACS2 is for ChIPseq analysis.
Yes, it is.