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2.8 years ago
Diana G.
Hi everyone.
I am trying to use the r package "pzfx" ( https://github.com/Yue-Jiang/pzfx ) to open a pzf file (originated by an older version of GraphPad_Prism)
I got this error message
Error in read_xml.character(path) : Start tag expected, '<' not found [4]
I tried to solve it by adding Encoding = "UTF-8"
But the package itself already has this config and it did not work. I was wondering if there's a way either to convert pzf to pzfx (I have no longer access to GraphPad) or to help the package recongize the file.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think there are any
packages that can readpzf
files.Yeah, seems like it. I though that this package that helps to manage pzfx in R would help, but apparently the format is really different between pzfx and pzf.