I want to map out1.fq and out2.fq to the reference genome NC_008253.fa.fai
based on the following conditions:
- seed length=24
- hits written in sam file format
- maximum insert size=600
- mates are in the forward/reverse orientation
- input files are fastq format
- output the wall-clock time
- seed sequence mismatches=3
- output the mapped and unmapped reads in separate files
bowtie -q out1.fq out2.fq NC_008253.fa.fai -x 1.bt2 -l/--seedlen 24 -S/--sam -X/--maxins
600 -t/--time -v 3 > mapped
-l/--seedlen arg must be at least 5
Hi, should you even be using bowtie anymore? Possibly try Hisat2 instead.