I made a BED file with only exons (hg19) using UCSC table browser (https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables).
But in my file I've found this regions, for example:
chr 1 146310551-146334210
chr 7 9229189-9229487
chr 14 76666574-76669131
chr 17 41341930-41342793
chr 21 19935632-19935690
Do you recognize them as exons? Because they seem to me to be intronic sequences. What can it be the problem?
What makes you think they are intronic regions? Did you search them into a Genome Browser?
Yes, I used NCBI Variation Viewer.
I asked because maybe I couldn't interpretate well the data on the genome browser.
For example this is what I get for the first interval:
The first interval span is about 23K bp, a bit big for an exon if you ask me. If you want to make a bed file containing the exon coordinates of the human genome, I will recommend you to download the GTF file, extract the exon lines, and convert it to bed format.
Does that file refer to hg19? I'm working with that reference